I find walking something very special: you move through the landscape and the ground changes under your feet. For instance in a wood where the trees always are bound to one piece of ground.
Human movement is two dimensional: only birds move in 3D.

But there is also the factor of time: while walking time changes but we hardly realize it. So a 3D happening yet?!

The rings in the trunk of a tree are formed by the years: fat years, meager years.

You can calculate how many years it is older than you…Moving by walking has inspired many artists, like Rodin with his dynamic John the Baptist and Giacometti’s walking man. In both cases they stay put forever…

Size: 105/57/40 cm
Material: wood, jeans, leather

November 2002   

For this work I choose the same solid stand, also an image of movement.
The shoes were my old shoes, worn by walking so they come from a dynamic reality. But instead of a body there is a tree wit hits yearly rings to be seen.

Strange: a tree that cannot walk and a man without year rings  in one.

For me this alienation is the essence of this piece of art.

the rings formed unnoticed 

While he walked on