In our Western culture we think each subject can be discussed.
Yet there are some no-go areas like the way we deal with the unborn child.
As soon as a woman is pregnant, in our society we use all our powers to help the baby grow.
Yet in its first 22-24 weeks a foetus can also be treated as an outlaw according to Dutch law: if the baby is unwanted, the mother can have an abortion.

In the Netherlands about 25.000 foetuses are aborted every year.
In China 336 million unborn babies were aborted during the last 40 years: most of them were girls.

In my artwork I try to speak about the unspeakable by making a monument for all these destroyed lives.

Film director Jan Willem de Bok made the film.
The project was shown in the Singer Museum in Laren during the Summer Exhibition in 2013.

Drifting Away

Expositie Singer 2013


*Film – 7 minutes with plastic balls floating on the sea. In every ball there is a plaster foetus of 12 weeks.

•Blue cloth on the floor showing 25 of these plastic balls with foetuses.